
Your One-Stop-Shop for Motion Analysis and Simulation

Ansys Motion is an integrated simulation environment that enables engineers to perform fast and accurate motion analysis and simulation of both rigid and flexible bodies for multibody dynamic system design.

Ansys Motion for motion simulation


  • Multibody Dynamics: Fast and accurate analysis of rigid and flexible bodies in a single solver, simplifying complex system modeling.
  • Comprehensive Simulation: Offers complete simulation environment for motion performance, stress-safety, heat transfer, vibration, and fatigue analysis.
  • Customizable Analysis: Tailor simulations to specific design requirements, such as automotive and and aerospace industry specs,and test scenarios to optimize design.
  • Advanced Post Processing: Offers advanced visualization tools, including 3D animation and interactive charts, to help better understand simulation results.
  • Scalable Performance: Explicit solver is optimized for high-performance computing (HPC), allowing for scalable performance on complex models.


Explore More Software Options

Ansys Motion is a critical part of a larger workflow including these complimentary software capabilities.

Ansys Mechanical for Structural Analysis


A comprehensive structural analysis tool that empowers engineers to design and optimize products that are stronger, lighter, and more efficient.

LS-Dyna For Explicit Dynamics


The go-to solution for engineers seeking accurate and reliable explicit dynamics simulations, with advanced capabilities for impact and penetration analysis, occupant protection, and more.

Granta Materials

Ansys Granta Materials provides comprehensive, cross-industry databases and materials intelligence tools to help engineers make informed decisions for their simulation and analysis needs.


Have more questions? Contact our Simulation Experts for a conversation!